Psychological issue regarding cancer

What made me write on this topic: 

 being to busy from many days forced me to think about my loved one's. one day during my work i thought to give some time to my thoghts.

When i sit back suddenly some scenario from past hit upon me . That was my many loved ones were diagnosed with cancer in past few week. When i talk to them i come to know that there many stressors were just psychological so i decided to open my lips on this topic 

Here it is....

When you are diagnosed with cancer :

 hearing the doctor say the word "cancer"  can have a profound effect on a person. A diagnosis of cancer begins a long journey that can affect physical health, mental well-being, and relationships with loved ones. While getting treatment for the physical aspects of cancer, patients should not neglect the emotional issues associated with cancer. One of the best things patients can do to improve their quality of life is to learn more about their cancer. This can make the disease seem less mysterious and frightening. Information from your doctor and other credible sources can be very helpful in this respect.

Life after diagnosis: 
 patient's financial, social and physiological situations may all change due to cancer and cancer treatment. Having a realistic attitude and realizing that cancer can impact many aspects of life is helpful. Patients should not be afraid to tell their doctor how they are feeling, especially when it involves worries. Studies have shown that cancer care doctors misinterpret a patient distress or psychological disorders as much as 35% of the time. For this reason, it is important to tell your doctor about any pain and feelings of anxiety or despair. Some people feel uncomfortable accepting psychological help because they feel it is only for weak or irrational people. The brain is like any other organ; illnesses in other parts of the body can affect the brain and impact the well-being of the individual. It is important to seek help from a medical professional when there are changes that cause discomfort or unhappiness.

Social Support Network

People in a patient's social support network include family members, spouses, children and friends. Social support can also take the form of support groups or therapists.It is important for these caregivers to listen to the unique needs and concerns of their loved one. For instance, they should be sensitive to the desire of the patient to share and know information about their cancer, treatment options, and their prognosis.A support network can greatly help reduce the stress of dealing with cancer. Patients should not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones and friends. The people in a patient's support network can help ensure that they get to appointments on time, pick up children o just be there to listen to the patient's concerns.

A lack of social support has been associated with higher levels of anxiety and a lower quality of life in cancer patients. A lower incidence of depression is associated with the ability of family members to openly express feelings and thoughts to the patient. Anxiety is also less common when patients are able to freely communicate information to their family members.Most importantly, cancer patients who have a lack of social support have a greater desire to die and a higher risk of committing suicide. 

A good social support network has been linked with an increased quality of life for cancer patients undergoing treatment.Information about cancer can also make the patient feel more empowered, giving them a sense of control. Nearly all studies have shown a psychological benefit for cancer patients who attend support groups.Most patients attending support groups feel more emotionally fulfilled, get help managing side effects and experience less pain and anxiety.
support group attendance may also extend the life of cancer patients, but more investigation is needed to verify this.

Click here to watch the full interview with Dr. Michael Burke, a psychiatric oncologist.


Terms with relatives:


Having cancer may change the way that a patient relates with family, friends, and colleagues.  Patients may find that the stress going through a cancer diagnosis and treatment strengthens their relationships with loved ones.  While some relationships provide much needed support, other relationships may unexpectedly lead to frustration.  In many cases, stress in the relationship is caused by misunderstandings and confusion of how to offer support to a cancer survivor.  Many want to offer support, but they just do not know how.  With open communication, these issues may be resolved.

Real challenge:

After treatment ends, some friends, family, or coworkers may appear to show less support due to their belief that the cancer is gone.  They may seem unsupportive due to anxiety and other emotions; speaking with that friend, family member, or coworker can help to mend and strengthen relationships. As survivors work through relationships to figure out what matters most in their life, some may choose to let some casual friendships go as they focus more on those that are more valuable and meaningful.          

In addition to dealing with their own feelings, a cancer survivor may also have to cope with their friends and families feelings of sadness and uncertainty.  Everyone needs recovery time, both the cancer survivor and those close to them. 

Family members and friends of different ages face different challenges.  For example, young children may convince themselves that they were somehow to blame for the cancer.  Teenagers, on the other hand, may find it difficult to cope because they may feel they have been forced back into the family just as they were beginning to break free and gain their independence.  Remember that silence can block communication and that open communication is critical to maintain healthy relationships.

Intimacy, Body Image


People undergoing cancer treatment may lose their hair, experience weight changes, get surgical scars or have body parts surgically altered/removed. It is normal for these events to change a person's sex drive and body image. Cancer/cancer treatments affecting reproductive organs (breast, prostate, testicles, etc.) may cause patients to question their social and sexual identity as a 'man' or 'woman'. This is true for people of all ages, genders, cultures, cancer types, and is independent of partnership status. Because doctors may not discuss this issue, patients may incorrectly feel they are abnormal to be concerned about their sexuality and sex life. 

In fact, most people going through cancer treatment feel that their needs and concerns about sexual and intimate changes are not adequately met by their health care professionals. Doctors trained in traditional Western medical schools learn ways to handle the functional aspects of patient sexuality such as fertility, erectile dysfunction, or menopause. Frequently, their training does not prepare them to provide guidance about sensuality and intimacy issues. Doctors often avoid the topic of intimacy because it is not a 'life or death' issue, there is not enough time, they themselves are embarrassed about the topic, or they do not have experience in this area. Some health professionals also struggle to accept the fact that people with life-threatening illnesses, particularly elderly people, have sexual concerns. 

How to stay calm:

  • spending time with nature
  • giving time to your loved ones
  • playing with mud or clay
  • connecting back to your basics
  • having a hobby 
  • watching funny vedio
  • giving time to your interests
  • listening good music
  • reading motivational speaker 

Mind made myths:

  • psychological pain
  • numbness of part of body
  • vivid sensation
  • exaggeration 
  • tingling sensations